Technical rehearsals

Post technical rehearsal messages here.

29 Responses to Technical rehearsals

  1. Darren Page says:

    Hi All

    Most of you have now confirmed a tech time for next week (wc 25th April), anyone who has not got any or has not had any tech time can they contact me via email to do this ASAP…also the Tuesday of next week is still largely quiet if anyone should require it…



  2. Faye Docwra says:

    Hi Darren,

    Just to confirm our tech in the easter holdays. Are we able to have April 28th from 2 until say 4?

    Thanks Faye

  3. Faye Docwra says:

    Yes of course thankyou we will take 2 til 4 as we have class at 4



  4. Darren Page says:

    Hi All

    Time is starting to fill up now on LPAC…however there is still some available time on tHE Monday and Tuesday of next week…So far I have had no interest in arranging times in studio 2…is anyone wanting to arrange anything in there? If anyone wishes to get some space for tech or otherwise, please contact me ASAP!

    • Emma Davies says:

      Hi Darren,

      Our group would like to do our tech run in the second week of the Easter holidays if that would be at all possible?



    • Caroline Larcombe says:

      Hi Darren, could Beyond Wedekind (Anna’s group) please have the LPAC for rehearsal 3-6 on Monday? (thats if another group hasnt already booked this) Thanks!

    • Caroline Larcombe says:

      Or if not then tuesday 3-6? for Beyond Wedekind please?? (just saw Sarahs comment below!) 😀

    • Darren Page says:

      Hi Emma, ok…I still have some time left, especially on the Tuesday…whats your group called and what piece are you doing again?

    • Darren Page says:

      Hi Emma

      How is 9 til 11 on the teuesday of the second week of easter? (26th)

  5. Ashton says:

    Hi Darren,

    Can we please book a rehearsal for the second week of Easter? Possibly the dates listed above, eg. Tuesday 26th April etc… ? What dates do you have left available?


  6. Sarah Anne Roberts says:

    hi darren could we book monday 4-6? but just to use the stage for a rehersal so not using any tec? sorry to keep changing stuff x

  7. Darren Page says:

    Hi All

    I still have available technical time on the LPAC stage on the Monday (4th) and Tuesday (5th) of next week…any unallocated time will be opened up as open rehearsal time on LPAC…however due to no prior notice technical support will not be available…If you want to use some time with the technical staff or just secure some time on the stage on either of these days please get back to me ASAP…


    • Emma Davies says:


      Couldn’t figure out how to respond to your post Darren, but tuesdays and fridays aren’t workable for out group, any chance of a monday, wednesday or thursday?


  8. Sarah Anne Roberts says:

    hi darren its sarah again, can we cancel the monday 2-4 as we actually have a lesson then sorry x

  9. Sarah Anne Roberts says:

    hi its sarah roberts from rock paper scissors (formely the saved overcoat lol) sorry i dont no why it just comes up with my student num…so to confirm we have 2-4 on the mon 4th and 1 30- 4 on the wedz 27th ?? x

  10. Sarah Anne Roberts says:

    hi can we book a tec on mon the 4th for our group saved,overcoat ( rockpaperscissors) at 11 onwards and also friday the 8th if there is time left possibly in the morn? and in the second week of easter can we book the wednesday the 27th and either book it all day or the full morning or afternoon? x

    • Darren Page says:


      Can you make 14:00 – 16:00 on Monday the 4th? I can’t let you book the stage all day on the wednesday of easter but you can have it for 2.5 hours as before…say 13:30 – 16:00…If nobody else books the space or wants to rehearse on this day then you can have it for a longer period of time of course… can I ask who this is?
      Many Thanks.

  11. Faye Docwra says:


    Our group (the train one) would like to have a tech rehearsal on friday 8th April after 3 pm if that is at all possible please.


    • Darren Page says:

      Hi Faye and Emily

      You are fine to have Thursday the 28th April…what time on that day would you like? Unfortunately the 8th Is already booked out all day…I still have plenty of free time on the 4th and 5th Of April? let me know ASAP if a couple of hours on any of these days will be helpful?

  12. Emily Cook says:

    I think our group (the train one) would definitely like to use the second week of Easter for rehearsals! Probably Thursday 28th April would be best. Thanks Darren!

  13. Darren Page says:

    Hi All

    As I make my way around to your groups to discuss tech for this module it is becoming apparent that there are some developing technical aspects of your performances that need exploring, trying out and indeed rehearsing…

    Obviously the Easter break combined with the Carroll Churchill festival and other various assessments going on creates us an issue with space and time being somewhat limited, this is especially a problem for use of the LPAC itself… however I believe that we can work with the following for tech on the main stage…

    Theatre Company – Available Technical Rehearsal Times (LPAC)

    WC Monday 4th April

    Monday 4th April – (All day) 11:00 – 19:00?
    (09:00 – 11:00 for pit manoeuvre).

    Tuesday 5th April (All day) 09:00 – 17:00?
    (Pit manoeuvre required afterwards for Boothby Graffoe).

    Friday 8th April 11:30 – 19:00
    (Pit manoeuvre required afterwards)

    As you can see that is very little time for us to use the stage effectively before Easter… However I will be available the second week of Easter and can also open up the Theatre on the following days….

    Second week of Easter.

    Tuesday 26th April (All day)

    Wednesday 27th April (All day)

    Thursday 28th April (09:00 – 16:00)
    (Leaving time to pre rig for professional show the next day…)

    These times are available for students should we need to try out some new ideas/ set up a technical rehearsal in LPAC.

    The following applies for the use of studio 2.

    Use of Studio 2 is more flexible and can be booked accordingly outside of class times on the week commencing the 4th of April, if you would like to book some tech time in studio 2 for Theatre Company please liaise with myself ( and we can sort this out…alternatively studio 2 is empty the second week of Easter, again I am more than happy to conduct technical rehearsals on the following days…

    Tuesday 26th April (All day)

    Wednesday 27th April (All day)

    Thursday 28th April (All day)

    Would anyone want to use the second week of Easter for some tech and / or rehearsal time? Also please think about using this time to try out ideas as well as setting up a technical rehearsal…the space does not just have to be used for tech…feedback from you guys would be appreciated, any comments, questions or ideas?

    • Faye Docwra says:


      Would we be able to have 3-4 on monday 4th just to go over the basics and then in the easter holidays make any necessary changes.


    • Darren Page says:

      Hi Faye

      Monday 3 – 4 is fine, might I recommend you make it 3 – 5? or 2 – 4? as an hour is not long to go over tech..

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